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Insurance Funding

I am registered with most of the main healthcare providers such as AXA, Aviva, BUPA, Vitality and WPA and usually they cover my fee under fee assured services, although you would be responsible for any excess payments owing on your policy.  


In the past insurance providers would offer a list of therapists for you to research and make an informed choice about who you would like to work with and some are still working in this way. An important and more recent development is that some of the insurance providers have started to outsource some of the psychological services provided to you.  When you ring to make a claim they may try and direct you to larger companies and service providers.  I must make it clear that in general these companies offer you therapy with psychological therapists who are trained and will have been vetted.  However, this takes away your right to work with the therapist of your choice as they are usually allocated to you, and very often you may be directed to work with a counsellor or therapist rather than a psychologist as potentially this can be a cheaper option for them.  Even the number of sessions you receive and potentially even the type of therapy you receive will be determined by a third party and not yourself.   Please read my choosing a therapist page to understand why this might be important or have a read of my blog post about this. 


I do not work for any of these companies, so if you choose to go through them you will not be able to work with me or any of my associates.


You do have the right with most insurance providers to state that you do not wish to go through these companies and to choose your provider, such as myself.


If you would specifically like to work with me, I am always happy to discuss availability and options with you, and happy for you to name me as your chosen provider so that you retain your right to choose.


Please ask for more details or get in touch to discuss this further.

© DR. CARLA RAINBOW - Rainbow Psychological Services Ltd - 13844881

Rainbow Psychology
BACP accredited register
HCPC registered
BPS chartered
Member of the ACP
DBS checked
Rainbow Services Lts
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